05. Item Settings
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Price = (Median * Value) / Stock
One of the factors that determines the purchase price of an item.
One of the factors that determine the selling price of an item. By default, it has the same value as the purchase value. Normally, sales tax is applied, so shop users sell items at a lower price than they bought them. If a separate sales value is specified, sales tax is ignored.
The item price cannot be less than this value.
The item price cannot be greater than this value.
The median is the reference point for stock. stock values change as shoppers buy and sell, but the median is always fixed. The larger the median, the slower the price changes. Conversely, the smaller the median, the faster the price changes.
Indicates how many of this item are in the store. If stock equals median, then price equals value. If inventory is less than the median, it means that the item is currently in short supply relative to demand. So the price goes up.
When the stock reaches its maximum value, users will no longer be able to sell this item to the store.
Press the button at the bottom center of the screen to automatically set all values. The recommended value is based on the Shop.NumberOfPlayer entry in config.yml and data in the Worth.yml file.
If you want to apply the recommended value to all items in the store, enter the following command.
/ds shop <shop name> setToRecAll
Recommended Median Calculation Formula
w = item value from Worth.yml
p = the number of players on the server (does not mean the actual number of people connected. Value defined in Config.yml)
On the item trading screen, press the button on the left side of the screen. Or use the following command.
Setting the stock to -1 makes the stock infinite.
If you set the median to -1, the price will not change.
You can set the discount rate for each item. Use the editAll command to apply it to all items in the store.
You can set a limit on the quantity a player can buy/sell within a certain period of time. If you sell an item with a purchase limit, the limit will increase, and vice versa.
You can reset only the trading volume while maintaining the trading volume limit setting.
Note that if you edit the itemMeta of an item with Notepad, it will be treated as a different item. (The trading volume limit for that item will be reset.)