07. Shop Settings
It is recommended that you first disable your store before editing it. Disabled stores are not available to users. Newly created stores are disabled by default.
You can set the permission to use the store. Basically, anyone can use the store.
Maximum number of pages
The maximum number of pages for your store. As you add items, they will automatically grow as needed.
Rotation editor
Periodically, items in the store can be automatically rotated. This feature is only available in the premium version.
Opening hours
You can set the store's business hours. (in minecraft time) By default, the shop is open 24 hours a day.
Stock fluctuations
You can have your stock fluctuate randomly at regular intervals. The change intensity determines the maximum amount of change that can occur in one change. Change cycle means 1 hour in Minecraft time. This corresponds to 50 seconds of real time.
Stock stabilization
Set the stock to change towards the median at regular intervals.
Sales tax
The percentage of tax you pay when selling an item. This setting does not apply to items with a separate sale value. By default, it respects the Shop.SalesTax value in config.yml . This value can be changed with the following command.
You can set this individually for each store if you wish. You can set a sales tax of 0%, but you need to set a proper sales tax to prevent pointless transactions or using your store as extra inventory.
If you wish, you can log your store's transaction history. Logs are created as csv files in the Log folder under the plugin folder. The premium version provides a viewer to check logs in-game.
A store can have different flags. Please check the subpage for details.
Related commands
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